Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Crafting Memories - 05/21/19

It is so crazy to think that today is the last day of senior project, and that it's been just short of a month since it started. Yesterday was my last day at AEMS, so I spent today working on my poster and presentation for express fest, which is tomorrow. When I was printing out the photos and writing what was happening under the flaps, I felt like I was reliving that moment and what was happening in that photo. It was fun remembering all the little things that happened each day.

Under the flaps, I wrote the date that the photo was taken, as well as a bit of information about what was going on when that photo was taken. I also tried to include as much detail as I could that would fit under the photograph, so whoever looks at it tomorrow will be able to really get a feel for what I was doing every day.

For express fest, I'm planning on having this interactive poster, a slideshow playing on my computer, my lesson plans and reflections, as well as a few crafts that we did in Mandarin. I spent a long time on my poster and I was really happy with out it turned out. I felt that it did a good job of encapsulating my project and it briefly represents all the different aspects of my project.

Time: 9:16
Hours: 6
Total Hours: 152

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I are so bummed we will miss your express project presentation...can someone take pics or videos? We're really proud of you for pouring your heart and mind into your Senior Project and thrilled that you were able to participate in this capstone undertaking to culminate your journey at Proctor. Well done!
